Friday, May 16, 2014

In Deep Knit

I learned yesterday that posting about Supernatural will get you readers.  Hello, readers! I'm not sure my knitting blog is going to be what you're looking for, but its nice to see you. :)

...on to knitting.

I'll admit, I wasn't as productive as I should've been yesterday, but I had a (moderately) valid reason.

Also, I think my chronology is a little off, as I've been writing blogs to be scheduled to post and so we have two nights to catch up on, cause I forgot to do it last night.

So Wednesday night I went with my friends Georg and Ellen to pick up their couch surfer (who was this really chill yogi on his way to Taos) and then we went to Pizza Lounge in the fair park area to have wicked good vegan pizza.  Now I'm not vegan, or do I care to be, but they are, and I'll eat pretty much whatever is placed in front of me.  Admission time: I wouldn't have been able to tell that the pie was vegan, except I was there when we ordered it.  It was amazing. For realsy.  Anyhow, I got back in late, and only got a row or two done on Clapotis before passing smooth out for bed.

My kid is terrifying
Thursday I work by appointment only, so I usually piddle around the house, knit, watch Supernatural or
X-Files or Gossip Girl (don't judge.) and get all my laundry done for me and the Kid.  Except yesterday I slept until 12:45, barely made my 1pm meeting, and had a massive headache.  I got back about three, started section four of Clapotis, which is awesome, because I love turning that corner.  There's something exquisitely cool about taking my increases to decreases and making a corner.  I love mitering, too, but that's another day's post.  Also, you get to start dropping *two* stitches on the pattern row, which is ridiculously fun, About five-thirty I went with Sister to go eat, where I had a brilliant margarita at Applebee's (of all the freaking places) that was Absolut Texas (cucumber/Serrano infused), with sweet and sour mix, and fresh jalapenos.  Loved it.  Then we went to Kid's belt ceremony where she kicked ass and earned her blue belt.  She's pretty cool.

We didn't get home until about nine, when we did math homework and watched House until she fell asleep.  I started a third skein of yarn when I turned the corner, and the more I look at it, the more I think maybe that wasn't the best place, because weaving it in is going to be a bitch, but I also don't really want to frog anything down, so I'll deal with it in a few days.

ETA on new yarn? 11 days.  :) I'm hoping to have the scarf finished by then.  Shouldn't be an issue.

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