Thursday, May 29, 2014

Its neither half full, or half empty; it simply needs more wine.

Yesterday I managed to knit on Anniversary Sweater until I reached the halfway point on the back piece.  I switched to a black mystery yarn with rainbow ribbon running through it for the contrast color.  I don't know that I like it against the red; it looks a little Charlie Brown-ish to me.  I love the pink/red combo, though, more than I thought I would.

And...I made it to the branches lace section on Afternoon Tea.  Those.  Rows.  Are.  So.  Long.  I hate the k2 purl to last 2 k2 rows.  I hate. how. long. they. are.  But I'm very, very excited to be nearly done with it.  I'm already trying to find the right outfit to wear it with.

Tonight is White Trash Night (chicken wings and beer) and tomorrow is Maleficent.  I think I found a knitting group to join (*very* excited about that) and I'll attend my first meeting after school lets out.

I'm trying to wrap up one of these two projects, because I'm ready to start something with teeth.  I'm thinking Azure or Absinthe.  I'm going to order some sock yarn off of etsy this go round.  Suggestions are welcome!

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