Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Live Fast (Die Knitting)

I decided a few months ago, when I was temporarily (f)unemployed and reconfiguring my life's goals that I needed to start a knitting blog, and I needed to knit, one at a time (or a million at a time, since I like to have about 25 wips on needles), every pattern Knitty has ever published.  I think its a very fun idea, and it gives me project goals instead of the random stacks of nonsense that I tend to have.

Needless to say, that's really as far as I got, as I couldn't figure out where I wanted to blog, how I would go about accomplishing said blog, how much time I wanted to commit, etc...

note: I also thought maybe I'd finish some of the projects I had laying around the house, but I've since realised that's ridiculous, because after organsing them and cleaning out my yarn bins, all I've done is start two other projects and think about the KnittyYear.  

I committed today (after receiving my new KnitPicks catalog and itching for new yarn.  New.  Yarn.) to starting my KnittyYear today.  (New.  Yarn.)

So, ladies and gentlemen, I went to Knitty to find my First Project.

And.....I can't decide.  How do I want to do this?  By issue?  By project type?  By season? By budget?  By yarn? And there's seriously a lot of ridiculously ugly things that I would never, not ever, make except for the KnittyYear. note:  I'm well aware the KnittyYear is going to take a lot (a lot) longer than 12 months.  But whatever.  So should I start with something I *want* to make, or get it over with and make something I'd never wear (or give away)?  Am I allowed to frog items after I've completed them?


I need a system, or I know I'll never go through with this, so I'll have an answer for you tomorrow.  I've given myself 24 hours to decide on a project.  I'll probably ask the ladies at the salon tomorrow what they think, and they'll not really care, but I can at least hear that no one else cares what rules I write for myself.

Until tomorrow then, I'll work on one of my current projects.  Pictures then, and a definite answer as to what we're casting on.


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